Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NTU Flagship Day 3 Reflections

Day 3:
Today we had to present our findings and work from yesterday. I think that my sub-group's presentation was really well done. Unfortunately our sub-group was not chosen for the 'competition' to represent our project to the school. I am actually disappointed because a group member had put in a lot of effort into our sub-group's slides, but in the end, we failed.

Questions about discipline rarely comes to my head. I guess that our group did not meet our Teacher Advisor's expectations throughout the camp. Our group has been really noisy at the start, but after a few scoldings and talks from our Teacher Advisor, we have became more...responsible for our actions.

The NTU Flagship camp has been really interesting and fun. There are times when I am enjoying time with my friends, but there are also times when I am really bored or anxious.

Overall, I would never forget this memorable camp. It may be short, but in the end, it felt short because time flies when you are having a great time.

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